Thursday, October 31, 2019

Stepan Demura If Trump sign law

Stepan Demura: If Trump sign the law on new sanctions, it will kill the ruble

Known trader predicts the fall of the Russian currency in August and rapid replacement of Russian gas to Europe, US

Today, Russia has announced the first steps in response to the received on the eve of the US Congress a package of anti-Russian sanctions. Meanwhile their introduction into effect appears increasingly inevitable. About what it threatens Russia's economy, the budget and the financial markets, in an interview with "Business Online» said a well-known financial analyst Stepan Demura. According to him, it can cause serious damage to the ban on the purchase of Russian securities - domestic market completely at the mercy of the "hot" capital from the West.

"Sanctions, in fact, to impose a ban on any INVESTMENTS IN RUSSIAN OIL AND GAS"

- The new package of anti-Russian sanctions adopted by the US House of Representatives, the emphasis is on building opposition to Russian export pipelines, first of all, "North Stream - 2". In your opinion, it will not cause a response from the European Union, which is interested in the supply of our gas?

- No, of course, no European resistance to the sanctions package will not cause. The fact that the European Union some time ago took the political decision to diversify energy supply sources. In essence, this means a reduction in the share of Russian oil and gas to the European market and an increase in the share of liquefied natural gas, including shale oil from the US and from other supplier countries. The EU has long harness, but quickly go. And their decision in principle will lead to an overall reduction in revenue from the export of Russian energy resources and, consequently, a drop in revenues of the Russian budget. A new US sanctions only reflect the desire of Americans to take advantage of this changed reality.

- But Russian officials and some experts say that the American liquefied natural gas, taking into account the cost of transportation and liquefaction much more expensive Russian pipeline. It turns out that Europe arm-twisting, forcing to buy more expensive energy instead of cheap Russian.

- Nothing like that does not work. Let these arguments remain on the conscience of Russian officials and so-called experts. There are totally transparent price of spot gas market. So now American gas after delivery to Europe and liquefaction (ie conversion back into a gaseous state) costs about $ 100 per thousand cubic meters. While for the "Gazprom" price bottom, below which sell gas only at a loss, it is somewhere in the $ 150 per thousand "cubes". That look, that there may be disadvantageous for Europe in terms of reorientation for the supply of liquefied natural gas from the United States and Qatar. Europe will not be any objection to the US liquefied natural gas. For Europeans, the increase of its supply - is only a plus, as supplies from overseas to diversify European gas market and lead to a decline in its prices. As for the opinion of our so-called experts, that these same people were saying that the American gas never come to the European market, and even earlier about the fact that the shale revolution in North America does not lead to a reduction in oil and gas prices. You should not rely on such obviously biased estimates because life has already repeatedly demonstrated their falsity.

- shale gas revolution in America is going on?

- Of course. Including a growing number of hubs, designed for export of liquefied natural gas. And in Texas, beginning to develop a new, very large deposit of oil shale. In this field so much associated gas that Texan oilmen say: "We will be giving away free gas is subject to the signing of contracts on the supply of oil." This is an indication that energy source such as natural gas, oil shale in a revolution becomes very cheap.

- You do not agree with the view that new anti-Russian sanctions are intended to give US suppliers of gas to the Russian advantage in the European market?

- Sanctions are not to blame. Simply products of "Gazprom" ceases to be competitive on the international market. Our monopolist low cost gas production (about 25 - 30 dollars per thousand "cubes"), but it's all done on the old infrastructure, including export infrastructure. Creating a new and maintenance of the current sharply increases the cost of gas for consumers. In the end, as I said, to break even for the supply of "Gazprom" in Europe is located at 150 - $ 160 for 1 thousand cubic meters. Americans easily interrupt the price of its more low.

- The law on the new US sanctions explicitly states that the United States will oppose the construction of the "Nord Stream - 2", and impose sanctions for all companies and individuals who are at the same time invest in the construction of any Russian pipeline of $ 1 million or 5 million for of the year. This could complicate the prospects for the construction of new export pipelines from Russia?

- First of all we must understand that we have these new pipes are not very much and need. Why worry about the fate of "Nord Stream - 2", when the "Nord Stream - 1" stands underutilized? Why are we interested in building is essentially unnecessary new capacities on pumping gas to the West? I think the whole thing in a contract for construction. Excavation and laying of infrastructure - this is the most tidbits of the state order, not to mention the kickbacks. Hence all the hype around the "Nord Stream - 2", "Turkish stream" or "Force Siberia." Guys dig the ground infrastructure turns out more expensive than gold.

- By the way, the "Turkish Stream". There are in fact a pipe under the Black Sea, in my opinion, the Italian technology company should be laid. Once Donald Trump will sign a new sanctions law, the company immediately fall under US sanctions that prohibit anyone, including technical, facilitating the construction of Russian export pipelines. This is a big problem for our gas industry and the oil industry?

- Yes, of course, many European companies find themselves in a difficult situation, not only those who help us to lay export pipelines. in fact the sanctions imposed ban on any investment in the Russian oil and gas sector. But this is not important. "Turkish Stream", but "Gazprom", no one needs. The fact is that the Israelis have already started laying its pipeline to Turkey on the Israeli side of the giant gas field "Leviathan" in the Mediterranean Sea. So Turkey is anyone turns into a hub for supply of gas to Europe in the Middle East. Russia's "Stream" for it is not such a fundamental importance. Israel gas pipeline to Turkey will be ready next year.

"The CIA and the FBI now properly gives the president the US report on the Russian oligarchs"

- The Russian government and expert circles there is a perception that the US sanctions, including the new, even will cause some economic damage, but very limited. As far as another piece of anti-Russian actions, in your opinion, is serious and whether it is able to trigger a new economic crisis in Russia?

- Yes, we often talk about the ridiculous penalties. However, we are seeing as the sanctions are becoming more ridiculous, but for some reason do not want to laugh especially. In fact, a new package of sanctions greatly tightens the US position with regard to Russia. And so we were largely cut off from the world financial markets. New sanctions make it final cutting. If Trump sign the law on new sanctions (what the question really is not necessary), it is, first of all, kill the ruble, because investors will not be able to conduct operations carry trade (borrowing in a stable currency with low interest rates and invest in a volatile currency high rates - Ed) c and Russian government and corporate securities... Our financial market these restrictive measures by the United States simply destroyed. Second, begin serious problems with the completion of the Russian treasury at the expense of oil and gas revenues. Therefore, I repeat: the new US sanctions - this is very serious and laugh just stupid and short-sighted people can over them.

In addition, to make matters worse for the Russian economy, now the sanctions against Russia went really long. Neither Trump nor any other US president, according to the text of the new law, will not his decision to cancel the anti-Russian sanctions. The sanctions are now codified. It is the law, not the edicts of the US President or the decision of the US Treasury. Now, only Congress can lift sanctions.

- The text of the new sanctions law really has instructed the US Treasury to consider the consequences of a possible ban on the purchase of American investors Russian government and corporate bonds. This is what it turns out that it can reach the general failure of the West to give Russia's debt?

- That's how it turns out. Possible ban on the purchase of Russian debt and damage the American west as a whole the banking system will not cause, because the amount of net public debt at the Russian funny. However, in conjunction with the corporate debt exceeds $ 500 billion, but by world standards it is quite a bit. For the West, the damage from the Russian ban lending and our issuers will not be, but the ruble is going to hit very hard, considering the forthcoming payments on debts of "Rosneft", "Gazprom" and the other state-controlled corporations. Usually refinanced debt, ie the payment of old debts come from new loans. If the West in general will refuse to lend to us, will have to give the payment of the debt accumulated foreign exchange reserves, which hit (and badly damage) on the ruble.

- The sanctions list includes a limited number of Russian banks and companies, even the largest. Able to borrow in the West will have smaller banks, which "share" with fell under the sanctions Sberbank, VTB, "Rosneft" and others. This solution to the problem?

- It depends on the Americans. Today, certain Russian companies and banks are not under sanctions, and tomorrow - already under sanctions.

- It seems we have a few who read the text of the controversial bill itself. There's generally a lot of interesting and at the same time little-known details?

- they are missing. Get at least the situation that the US intelligence agencies - both financial and, for example, the CIA, the FBI, Department of Homeland Security - now have to provide periodically to the US president reports on our so-called oligarchs, who have assets, and actually living outside Russia as well as their relatives and of all the people involved in their financial schemes. And most importantly, the US intelligence agencies are required to report on the origin of the capital of these immigrants from Russia. And since these sources of capital, in terms of American law, is very, very uncertain, our oligarchs will be very hard to live in the West and working with Western banks. They will have all the forces (and costly) to avoid a prison sentence abroad, as the experience of a fugitive Ukrainian oligarch Dmitry Firtash. He was arrested in Austria on request FBI and was released only under unprecedented in European jurisprudence the pledge of 125 million euros. So fun to be in the near future. A new portion of US sanctions - this is a very serious step with far-reaching consequences.

"FIRST GOAL attack on the ruble - IT 97 and 125 rubles to the dollar"

- What are the consequences of the entry into force of new US sanctions will have on the whole for the Russian economy?

- There will be a problem of being unable to fund a number of government programs because of lack of funds in the budget of Russia. It will be even more limited access to technology. It is also possible corporate defaults. Our "favorite" of the oligarchs, and so the liabilities exceed the assets, and the move of the US Congress only exacerbates the situation.

- So far, according to the official statistics and reports of the Government and the Central Bank, the macroeconomic situation in Russia looks quite stable. It seems to be renewed GDP growth, the ruble is stable for quite some time, inflation has dropped to record lows in the entire post-Soviet history ...

- Just look at the predictions the past few years our official economists and monetary authorities to understand that these predictions are worth little. Usually everything happens exactly the opposite compared to official estimates and the economic forecasts. At the household level can give advice if the authorities say that all is well, then, once the financial and economic collapse is not far away.

- What, in your opinion, would be a possible scenario of the crisis caused by the new anti-Russian sanctions?

- The ruble will fall first. However, the sanctions it has a direct relationship. The Russian currency has to fall off in the short term and without the tightening of anti-Russian sanctions.

- What is the main reason for a possible new wave of the weakening of the ruble?

- This is dictated by the situation on world financial markets, mainly in the developing country debt market. Although, of course, the coming collapse of the ruble, many we want to be written off entirely on sanctions on the evil Uncle Sam on Russophobia.

- What's the objective, market-based reasons for the attack on the ruble?

- The market situation is negative for the Russian currency. Soon will start falling markets and the flight from risky assets, which include bonds of developing countries and their companies. Speculators have entered into these risky assets with a huge "shoulder" (the purchase of securities with borrowed money brokers - Ed.).. Soon the work principle of the crowd, where several players will start to drop ruble assets, deciding that the risk was too great, and the rest will follow suit. Despite the fact that the dollar is in words - the most hated asset, speculators will run it into dollars.

- And when to expect the beginning of the flight from the ruble-denominated assets?

- I think the collapse of the ruble will begin in August.

- So soon? And for a bottom, in your opinion, can sink the ruble, say, before the end of this year?

- The first goal of the attacks of speculators on the ruble - is 97 and 125 rubles per dollar. When speculators strikes this purpose - this year or next, - hard to say. The exact time is not so important, the main thing that the target of the ruble figures very clearly designated.

- Russian presidential election in March next year are supposed to delay the fall of the ruble. Authorities are unlikely to allow the collapse of the national currency to the re-election Vladimira Putina. Do not agree?

- No, with the presidential elections, the situation is not related to the foreign exchange market. And the influence it the Russian authorities have by and large do not. CB does not have spare cash, our financial market is completely dominated by a "hot" Western capital. Basically we are talking about the bond and currency markets. Analysts, of course, will say that before the election the ruble hold, or, on the contrary, to speculate on why the government has not kept the ruble from collapse before the election. But all this has nothing to do with the real market processes.

- According to official reports, Russia's international reserves exceed $ 412 billion. Is such a solid airbags will not be enough to keep the ruble from falling?

- These reserves include two government fund. Reserve have already spent almost entirely, and future generations of the Fund by 40 percent somewhere already razderbanit that is invested. Therefore, foreign exchange reserves are no longer quite so big. especially if we compare the remains of these reserves to total external debt - corporate and governmental. Everything that now has the Central Bank, if you have to deduct the import payment, which is required in the country 3 - 6 months, is not enough to pay even greater part of Russian debt. Liquid reserves Now the CB 2 - 2.5 times less than the total external debt. CB unable to ensure long-term stability Ruble. It is elementary not have the money. Hence the introduction of a floating exchange rate, which in practice means that at any time the ruble could crash twice.

- The outflow of capital, intensified in the second quarter - is the first signs of future shocks?

- The outflow of capital - something hard to track. There it is necessary to understand in detail, whether there was a payment of large sums of foreign debt or real capital flight. The overall figures, which are issued by officially meaningless. Here the whole point in detail.

"Since March 2018, it will collapse in oil prices up to 12 or even 9 dollars per barrel"

- C Ruble clear. A new US sanctions affect the price of oil can?

- No, the sanctions on the oil market is not affected. Even if the big mess in the Middle East - military action in Syria, Iraq and even add to this diplomatic war with Qatar, the Saudis - had no effect on the price of oil, what can we say about the new anti-Russian sanctions. They is not listed as an outright ban on imports of Russian energy, which would probably keep oil quotations from the new fall.

- Why is it that even the military-political crisis does not affect the energy market in the main oil and gas region of the world?

- Note that all these events affected the oil market only when the barrel price rose. It grew out of the actions of speculators, primarily due to an overabundance of dollar liquidity, due to the "quantitative easing", ie, pumping money into the economy Western. Events in the Middle East is only used by speculators as a newsworthy to further heat up the market and push prices higher. But when the price of oil falls (again for reasons purely financial and even psychological), political events nothing to do with the fall of the market can not. The market simply does not pay attention to this so-called force majeure. Not a variety of political events determine the market movement, and movement of the market determine our perception of these events.

- Why the price of oil hovered around $ 50 a barrel?

- Because it is always hanging completing correction in oil prices before the new fall. The oil market just took a break before going down well - by 15 percent.

- And to what price levels of oil drops in the short term?

- According to the American variety Light Sweet price probably will fall to $ 34 -35 per barrel (currently above $ 48 - Ed.)..

- What are the reasons may be for such a decline?

- fundamental reasons special there. The main reason - half a million so-called oil traders and the wave theory of their behavior. After the fact can be explained by a drop anything. For example, the deceleration of the world economy, the fall in demand for oil, or something else.

- It is fashionable to talk about the fall in oil prices due to the spread of electric vehicles.

- Similarly, electric fault and solar panels.

- It turns out that a real change in the dynamics of energy consumption has no effect on the oil market?

- That's right, is not affected. A simple example: we were all witnesses of how the price of oil is less than a year fell from $ 140 per barrel to $ 30. In this case, the balance of the real demand and supply of oil changed to a maximum of 2 per cent. That's all. Does the balance of the market movements are not affected.

- Then, perhaps, affect the Fed's policy.

- Now that's more like it. Recently, however, the Fed's policy is quite stable, pumping liquidity markets continues.

- Janet Yellen, the head of the US Federal Reserve, still slowly raises, although at the last meeting and left it unchanged at 1 - 1.25 percent per annum. Money but are more expensive. Whether it is pushing oil prices down?

- Already there are voices that offer a significant rate increase was a mistake. So that the stability is likely to remain. The oil market is left to itself, or rather the ebb and flow of speculative capital.

- Is it possible that the price of oil, for whatever reasons, suddenly grows back back to $ 100 a barrel, that would solve many of the problems of the Russian economy?

- This scenario can be ruled out hope for increase in oil prices is not worth it. In the coming year, this just does not happen. But will remain on the current levels of oil prices. The cost of a barrel will fluctuate in the range of 30 to 60 dollars, I would say, to March 2018 (just before the presidential elections in Russia, but it is pure coincidence). Then it will collapse in oil prices up to 12 or even 9 dollars per barrel.

- But such a sharp fall in than can be triggered?

- So-called deleveraging. This term refers to a sharp decline in leverage. Banks at times reduce the limits on lending transactions with securities and above all with the most risky, which include oil futures. Speculators are fleeing from ruin, rush to dump assets, and we will see the crisis a la 2008.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2019



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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Professional trading panel for

Professional trading panel for fast and comfortable work on the Forex market.

I want to introduce all traders to the new development, the trade panel. Over the years, the development of trade and trading advisors, I decided what should be the trading panel, some necessary functions it should have, some have views to distract trader and help him. So, go to the panel.

Professional trading panel for fast and comfortable work on the Forex market. It has broad functionality for manual and semi-automated trading. My trading panel is an indispensable tool for any trader, regardless of its level of preparation. With its help you can easily automate your trading system, you need only open a position and set the required parameters for the tracking and discovery of new deals, and everything else adviser will do for you. Professional trading board so as be able to work with orders open another adviser or manually if you set MagicNum = -1.

News Filter can be used to restrict the work of some of the functions of professional retail panel, such as the opening and maintenance of new pending (STOP or the LIMIT) orders the trend (pyramiding) or against the trend (net) depending on the set parameters, as well as being able to remove the unused warrants. To operate the filter must be news: The trading terminal Open the menu "Service" --- "settings" --- "counselors" --- add address "" in field "Allow WebRequest for the following URL".

You can select the type of order execution. Market Execution - Orders will be executed at a price which was valid at the time of processing the order, SL and TP levels are set after the order or Instant Execution - in this mode, the transaction will be executed at the stated price within the band slippage, SL and TP levels are set at once.

Capacity or average position can occur with the same lot (equal to the original open position), with an additional lot (each new warrant add n lots) or factor (previous lot n multiplied by the coefficient).


  • R for real trading on today's market conditions;
  • It does not depend on the type of trading account, a broker or a financial instrument;
  • It works with both small and large amounts of deposits;
  • It can be used in combination with other counselors or manual trading.

The main features:

  • Installing the StopLoss and TakeProfit levels.
    • real for each transaction separately;
    • real for all orders at the average level of the network;
    • virtual levels for each transaction separately.
  • Translation of transactions to breakeven after reaching a predetermined profit.
    • real StopLoss on each transaction separately;
    • real StopLoss on All Orders at the average level of the network;
    • virtual level for each transaction separately.
  • Trailing Stops open positions.
    • real for each transaction separately;
    • real for all orders at the average level of the network;
    • the money in the deposit currency;
    • % profit on the account;
    • virtual on each transaction separately;
    • Indicator Moving Average;
    • on the ATR indicator;
    • of Parabolic SAR indicator;
    • by Fratal indicator;
    • High- Low of the previous bar;
    • of time in minutes.
  • Automatic exposure of pending orders.
    • build positions on the trend (pyramiding), when the price goes toward the open position, order type is selected at the user's discretion;
      • buying, exhibiting BuyLimit orders lower prices or higher prices BuyStop orders;
      • for sale exhibiting SellLimit warrants higher prices or lower prices SellStop orders;
    • average position (net) when the price goes against the position, order type is selected at the user's discretion;
      • buying, exhibiting BuyLimit orders lower prices or higher prices BuyStop orders;
      • for sale exhibiting SellLimit warrants higher prices or lower prices SellStop orders.
  • Modification of pending orders at the new prices.
    • BuyLimit cost warrants follow from bottom to top;
    • SellLimit warrant follow the price of a top-down;
    • BuyStop warrant follow the price of a top-down;
    • SellStop warrant follow the price upwards.


  • Inp_OpeningTime - the start time of the utility;
  • Inp_ClosingTime - end time of the utility;
  • Inp_NewsFilter - inclusion news filter;
  • Inp_MinutesAfterNews - minutes after the release of the news for the resolution of automated trading;
  • Inp_NewsImpotance - the importance of the expected news:
    • _All - All news;
    • _Low - Low volatility;
    • _Medium - Moderate volatility;
    • _High - high volatility;
    • _Low_Medium - low and moderate;
    • _Low_High - low and high;
    • _Medium_High - moderate and high;
  • Inp_OrderExecution - type of order execution;
  • Inp_RiskLots - calculation of the lot size, depending on the risk in the transaction;
  • Inp_StartLots - starting at the auction Inp_RiskLots = 0;
  • Inp_AddLots - term increase in the lot for the following position open utility;
  • Inp_LotsMultiplier - factor increasing the lot to the next position, the open utility;
  • Inp_MaxLots - maximum lot;
  • Inp_MaxSpread - the maximum spread for open positions;
  • Inp_Slippage - Maximum slippage for opening positions;
  • Inp_LevelsMethod - method of installation StopLoss and TakeProfit levels;
    • _ClassicLevels - real for each transaction separately;
    • _AverageLevels - real for all orders at the average level of the network;
    • _VirtualLevels - virtual levels for each transaction separately;
  • Inp_StopLoss - the number of points for the stop-loss. If = 0, it is not used;
  • Inp_TakeProfit - the number of points to take profit;
  • Inp_MagicNum - the identifier of transactions. When -1 utility will work with all orders;
  • Inp_EaComment - comment on the transaction;
  • Inp_ShowHistory - display transaction history on the chart;
  • Inp_BreakevenMethod - method of installation bezubytka levels;
    • _ClassicBreakeven - real StopLoss on each transaction separately;
    • _AverageBreakeven - real StopLoss on All Orders at the average level of the network;
    • _VirtualBreakeven - a virtual level for each transaction separately;
  • Inp_BreakevenStop - the distance that must pass price, for bezubytka position. Calculation Inp_BreakevenStop + Inp_BreakevenStep. If = 0, it is not used;
  • Inp_BreakevenStep - profit in points, which will be protected bezubytka;
  • Inp_TrailingMethod - selection method trailing;
    • _ClassicTrailing - real for each transaction separately;
    • _AverageTrailing - real for all orders at the average level of the network;
    • _MoneyTrailing - the money in the deposit currency;
    • _PercentTrailing -% of the profits on the account;
    • _VirtualTrailing - virtual on each transaction separately;
    • _MaTrailing - Indicator Moving Average;
    • _ATRTrailing - of the ATR indicator;
    • _SARTrailing - on the Parabolic SAR indicator;
    • _FractalTrailing - on Fratal indicator;
    • _HighLowTrailing - High- Low of the previous bar;
    • _TimeTrailing - on time in minutes;
  • Inp_TrailingStop - the distance that must pass price for the trailing position. Calculation Inp_TrailingStop + Inp_TrailingStep. If = 0, it is not used;
  • Inp_TrailingStep - profit to be protected trailing.
  • Inp_MaPeriod - an indicator for the period trailing Indicator Moving Average;
  • Inp_MaMethod - averaging method Moving Average indicator;
  • Inp_MaPrice - type of price indicator Moving Average;
  • Inp_BarCount - the number of bars to find minimumov- highs, is applied to the trailing of High- Low previous candles;
  • Inp_Distance - distance from the High- Low previous candle la exhibiting StopLoss levels;
  • Inp_TrailingTime - the number of minutes used for trailing over time;
  • Inp_MinProfit - minimum profit for closing deals in the trailing time;
  • Inp_ATRPeriod - indicator period ATR, is applied to the trailing of ATR indicator;
  • Inp_SARStep - a step change in the indicator price is used for trailing by Parabolic SAR indicator;
  • Inp_SARMaximum - the maximum pitch;
  • Inp_SendOrderType - type of installation of new pending orders;
    • _SendStopOrder - Installation STOP orders;
    • _SendLimitOrder - installation LIMIT orders;
  • Inp_SendOrdMethod - the method of installation of new pending orders;
    • _PositionAveraging - averaging positions (net);
    • _PositionBuilding - increasing position along the trend (pyramiding);
  • Inp_SendOrderStop - distance from the open position to set the order. Calculation Inp_SendOrderStop + Inp_SendOrderStep. If = 0, it is not used;
  • Inp_SendOrderStep - step installation of a pending order, the distance from the current price;
  • Inp_SendMultiplier - multiplier step installation orders. If = 1, it is not used;
  • Inp_MaxOrders - The maximum number of open positions;
  • Inp_MoveOrdMethod - selection method of modification of ;
    • _MoveStopOrder - modify only the STOP order;
    • _MoveLimitOrder - Only modify the LIMIT orders;
    • _MoveAllOrder - modify the LIMIT and STOP orders;
  • Inp_OrderMoveStop - the distance that must pass price. Calculation Inp_TrailStopOrder + Inp_TrailStepOrder. If = 0, it is not used;
  • Inp_OrderMoveStep - the distance at which pulled pending order following the price;
  • Inp_XCoordinate - the coordinate along the X axis to the display panel;
  • Inp_YCoordinate - the coordinate along the Y axis to the display panel;
  • Inp_BodyColor - color of the body panels;
  • Inp_FontColor - color of the text on the panel.

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Pump Up Pips

Pump Up The Pips

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Principle of operation

The principle of operation Pump Up The Pips is based on a combination of grid method with the movements of prices and logical calculations. Opening multiple transactions in the same direction, we can ascertain the total value of the take-profit (TotalProfitToClose). It is known that the price does not go up or down continuously. From such volatility and possible profit. Of course, you must not forget about the balance amount. When the shoulder 1: 500 minimum balance standard lot (100,000) is $ 1,000, but more appropriate balance will equal $ 6,000. You can select a broker to adopt a different lot size (10,000), to reduce the balance (100 $ -600 $).

There is an option "take-profit at the time." If the latest deal is active for longer than we have indicated, the transaction will be closed when the profit of the first of them reaches the profit indicated in the setting (only for the same characters).

When the total income (all characters) reaches the value specified in the configuration, all of the transaction (for all characters) will be closed.

Use only "safe" pair, for example NZDUSD, USDCAD. When applied to vysokovolatilnyh pairs, such as EURJPY, GBPUSD, it is necessary to increase the balance.

Input parameters

  • StartEA - Set to true for the nomination of the first transaction, the following transaction is not dependent on this parameter.

  • MaxSpreadToTrade - Specify the maximum spread for opening transactions.

  • MinMarginLevelToTrade - The minimum margin level that does not allow open transactions at a lower level.

  • OtherTradesLimitToStopOpenTrade - The number of transactions with other symbols to prevent the opening of transactions with the current character.

  • InitLot - Initial auction.

  • BaseLotIncrement - Capacity of the base bid, increase the lot size for the next transaction.

  • SmartLotFactor - Supplement BaseLotIncrement parameter by increasing the total number of transactions. Set to 1 for a fixed capacity.

  • TradesDistance - The number of pips / points for placing the following pending orders.

  • LevelToIncreaseDistance - The number of transactions for the start of increasing the space in between them.

  • DistanceIncrement - Increase in the distance when the total number of transactions reaches the value of the parameter LevelToIncreaseDistance.

  • MaxTrades - The maximum number of transactions. It may not be achieved when the MinMarginLevelToTrade.

  • MinMinuteToClose - The minimum number of minutes for closing deals on the general profit or MinFirstTradeToClose.

  • MinFirstTradeProfitToClose - The minimum profit from the first transaction to close all orders with the same symbol, when the last trading symbol is active for longer than specified in the parameter MinMinuteToClose

  • TotalProfitToClose - Total profit for the closing of all transactions (for all symbols).

  • BuyOnly - If true, the opening of the transaction only to buy.

  • SellOnly - If true, the transaction opens only for sale.

  • slippage - Slippage.

  • UseTradingTime - to false trade is conducted continuously, in the true meaning of applicable trade time specified below.

  • Monday - If true, the trade is conducted on Mondays (UseTradingTime = true).

  • MonStart1 - The first time the start of trading.

  • MonStop1 - The first time the Trade Deadline.

  • MonStart2 - The second time the start of trading.

  • MonStop2 - The second time the end of the trade.

  • Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday - Same as Monday.

If you have any questions, send me a private message.

PS: Advisor also excellent for collecting rebeytov from your broker.


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Monday, October 28, 2019

Samsung Electronics will increase

Samsung Electronics will increase the dividend and will consider options for changing its structure

Samsung Electronics Co. announced that the dividend increase and consider options for the conversion of its structure in response to the growing demand for management reform.

As I stated in the Samsung Tuesday, the world leader in smartphones, in the long term it intends to distribute to shareholders all cash in excess of 70 trillion Korean Won (59.8 billion US dollars). At the end of September, the amount of available funds for Samsung, net debt slightly exceeded 70 trillion won. In addition, the company has promised to appoint a new independent board of directors with experience in the international market.

Samsung is still trying to recover from the forced large-scale withdrawal of smartphones, which has already cost her more than $ 5 billion and deteriorated its outlook for full-year profit.

Two weeks earlier, Samsung spent $ 8 billion in cash for the acquisition of Harman International Industries Inc. in search of new growth areas in the field of automotive technology.

Samsung CFO Lee Sang-Hoon, speaking Tuesday before the analysts said the company needs cash reserves, in particular, to finance transactions such as Harman absorption.

Investors, especially foreign organizations for years demanded by Samsung to change the policy, including the part with growing cash reserves, to transform the structure and create a multidisciplinary board of directors.

American activist fund Elliott Management Corp., which last year almost tore the merger of two subsidiaries of Samsung, in October called on Samsung Electronics to split into two parts and to pay shareholders a one-time dividend of about 30 trillion won. Elliott also claimed Samsung's promise to pay annually to shareholders not less than 75% of the profits minus capital expenditures.

Samsung new proposals do not meet the requirements of Elliott, but the conglomerate can help buy time amid continuing calls for investors and governments to simplify the complicated ownership structure. Samsung empire consists of 58 subsidiaries with cross-ownership.

Elliott representative did not respond to a request for comment.

According to Samsung, it considers "the possibility of creating a holding structure"And also plans to list on another international exchange. However, the company warned that the process will take at least six months and as long as it is not aimed at any particular outcome.

Samsung also plans to hire a new director with experience in the international market in order to diversify the board of directors, which currently consists of nine men, representatives of South Korea. It is planned to organize a new Management Committee composed entirely of independent members of the Board of Directors to replace the existing committees on corporate social responsibility.

In regard to the remuneration of shareholders, the Samsung intends this year and next year to pay half of the profit after deduction of capital expenditure, whereas last year announced its intention to pay between 30% and 50% of this amount. The dividend will be paid quarterly rather than twice a year from next year, as before, and made this year's 4 trillion won, up 30% exceeds the volume of the previous year.

In 2013, when the shareholders have just begun to demand an increase of payments, the Samsung spent on dividends and share buybacks only 7.2% of net profit compared to 40% in 2007. Since the payout ratio has increased to about 20%, but Samsung is still far behind companies such as Apple Inc. and Qualcomm Inc., which paid to shareholders of 70 percent or more of their money.

Samsung shares showed a neutral dynamics in the middle of trading on Tuesday and held about 1% below its historical peak.

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Friday, October 25, 2019

Oil and gold prices rose earlier

Oil and gold prices rose earlier in Asia

Oil prices earlier in Asia on Wednesday rose slightly. Supporting quotes had statements of Iran and Iraq, who on Tuesday made it clear that they are willing to maintain a steady level of oil production within OPEC agreement.

Such an outcome, however, still does not meet the demand of Saudi Arabia on a comprehensive reduction of oil production. OPEC meeting will be in Vienna later on Wednesday, as the secretary general of the cartel has to hold a press conference around 16:00 GMT.

"Oil prices remain vulnerable to further falls as OPEC countries are trying to reach agreement on the reduction of oil production", - noted in the ANZ Research.

At 04.22 GMT, the price of oil WTI on the NYMEX rose 30 cents to 45.53 dollars per barrel, while the price of Brent rose 46 cents to 46.90 dollars per barrel.

Quotes of gold earlier in Asia rose as investors sought to buy metal at low prices.

Investors sold gold after the US presidential election, but analysts believe that in the short term prices may recover due to geopolitical uncertainty before the referendum in Italy, as well as on the background of the global easing of monetary policy and inflation.

At 02.08 GMT, gold was trading up 6.77 dollars at 1194.65 dollars per ounce.

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Precise Spread

Precise Spread

spread Forex market - is the difference between the price of supply and demand price. Brokers earn on spreads, but traders need maximum low spread. Simply put, the lower the spread, the better for you. Spread indicator showing the spread your broker in the upper right (which is possible to change the settings) in the terminal corner MetaTrader 4. Normally a spread size is from 1 to 3 points. If you use the strategy of "sniping", you need information about the spread, and this indicator will help you. It is possible to install warning at excess spread level.

Different brokers spread size is different, so you need to carefully choose a . Please note that during the release of major news spread increases, so that the Spread indicator shows vital information for trade.

Precise Spread

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Thursday, October 24, 2019



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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Results of week ROCKET RACCOON

Results of the week ROCKET RACCOON - 2,78%. (18.44% TOTAL) 1034 position (-79)

Hello. To summarize last week.
Usually I write, to tell nothing, as everything was done according to the plans with minimal drawdown. But this week was obviously not successful. Moreover, this week was probably the worst in the history of the EA on this account.

Results of the week - 2.78%. (18.44% TOTAL) 1034 position (-79)
As can be seen lost more than two percent gain this week and dropped 79 positions of the rating.
But again, nothing serious. Drawdown in the most dangerous moment was not so much%.

Thank you for attention. Successful trading.

Link to signal

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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Quick Order Tool

Quick Order Tool

Order Tool is a trading assistant with a GUI panel that simplifies manual trading. It automatically calculates a lot size of a trade based on account balance, provides movable lines for setting entry, stop loss and take profit levels and at the same time it shows potential profit or loss.

Key Features

  • Lot size calculation based on percent (%) or money ($)

  • Working on accounts with different currency (Euro, Dollar, Yen, )

  • Using different source of money for calculation (Equity, Balance, Free Margin)

  • Showing potential loss or profit on stop loss and take profit level

  • Order sending with or without take profit

  • Customizable style

  • Movable GUI panel

Main Settings

  • Calculation Source = Free Margin / Equity / Balance

    • Free Margin - account free margin will be used for lot size calculation.

    • Equity - account equity will be used for lot size calculation.

    • Balance - account balance will be used for lot size calculation.

  • Risk Type = Percent (%) / Money ($)

    • Percent - initial value of risk in panel will be calculated based on percent. Proper values ​​- from 0.01 to 100.

    • Money - initial value of risk in panel will be calculated based on value.

  • Risk Per Trade ($ or%) - when you choose percent in risk type option, you should enter percent of risk and when you choose money you should enter vaue of risk.

  • Pending Order Distance, points - initial distance of entry from price in points for pending orders.

  • Stop Loss, points - initial stop loss of orders in points.

  • Take Profit, points (0 = Disable) - initial take profit if orders in points, when you set it to 0 (zero) you can send orders without take profit.

  • Use Confirmation Dialog - an option to turn on / off the "confirmation dialog" of sending order.

If you have any idea or suggestion to make this tool better, feel free to contact me.

P.S: Because of using complicated functions and chart events in this EA, it may not work in the strategy tester.

Quick Order Tool


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Sensvol2015 Simple

Sensvol2015 Simple

Sensvol2015 - an innovative indicator that combines ready (filtered) signals for opening transactions.

Know-how forming techniques indicator signals Sensvol2015 based on certain patterns in conjunction with the adaptive volatility of price movement.

The current version indicator Sensvol2015 supports
operation of the indicator in the following instruments: EURUSD, USDJPY, USDCHF,
GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDCAD, NZDUSD, XAUUSD. Recommended time frame: M15. On
other timeframes indicator also provides other additional signals.

This indicator can be used as a standalone tool for trading, and in addition to the indicator Atlantis2015, thereby increasing the number of signals.

Key features

  • Signal
    Module: The indicator provides the most probable signals for successful
    trade opening, does not require additional filtering. AT
    due to the higher quality signals are relatively rare compared to
    conventional indicators issuing all the signals in a row. at junior
    timeframes (M5, M1) signals are generated significantly more often.

Basic settings indicator (version Simple)

  • Alerts = true / false - to enable or disable alerts.


  • AT
    Three groups of display signals for each symbol, each group
    color. band signals, in principle, different: have different levels of take profit,
    ratio trades, signal frequency, average
    Trade duration, etc.

  • Sami indicator signals
    shown by the arrows on the period available in the terminal history (
    within the last 25 thousand bars). To display signals sufficiently
    the minimum amount of current history that is displayed on the current graph
    Terminal (1 thousands of bars).

  • Simple version indicator
    Sensvol2015 displays online indicator signals in the tenth bar
    (Now the indicator displays the signals on USDCHF tool online at
    the first bar. This revision is made for ease of use
    indicator together with free assistant Virtual Collider Manual USDCHF). To display an indicator signal on the first bar is released later Pro version indicator.


IPA Investments LTD specializes
in innovative software development in the field of
trading for their own needs, as well as the implementation of corporate objectives

Sensvol2015 Simple


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Monday, October 21, 2019

Morning Trade Demo

Morning Trade Demo

The demo version of the advisor works with the restriction on the lot (0.01) and time (9: 00-9: 30, the terminal time).

Advisor specially written for the EURUSD for a time before opening and the beginning of the European session opening. Advisor monitors the wrong signals to the trend and act against them.

Default settings are set 7:00 - 9:30 (MT4 terminal time). But you can specify any time. It operates fully automatically. Designed for nizkovolatilnogo market.

Bad work adviser to the output of important news or publication of important macroeconomic data. The basis of the principle of the work on the method of differentiation of the curve changes over time prices. EA does not trade in the strategy tester. (The algorithm only works in real time and does not work on historical data.)

It works on 5-minute chart. This is important because the algorithm takes into account the volume.

Orders at the opening exposes Advisor purely harnesses (technical) stop loss and take profit because deal it closes itself according to the price changes in circumstances, volume.

Morning Trade Demo

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Friday, October 18, 2019

Natural gas prices have increased

Natural gas prices have increased due Monday colder weather expected

Natural gas prices on Monday in the US rose to a 3-week high, as markets are hoping that the cold snap will trigger the growth of demand.

Quotes natural gas ended the session on the NYMEX on Monday, rising 10.7 cents, or 3.8%, to 2,950 dollars per million BTU. Quotes natural gas peaked on 31 October. In addition, they closed in positive territory three times in the last four sessions.

This month, the natural gas market was under pressure amid warmer-than-normal air temperatures and a record level of stocks in storage. However, the approach of the winter season and cold weather has pushed the price up. Investors expect that the demand for heating will increase, helping to reduce high inventories.

"In the natural gas market feel the approach of winter," - said Kent Bayazitoglu of Gelber Associate. "this signals come more than a month ... Finally, they began to pay attention"- he added Bayazitoglu.

natural gas exports in November as imports exceeded that analysts considered positive for future demand.

"US once considered the world's largest LNG importer, but now that the economy itself makes it necessary amount of gas, and the excess of exports"- noted analysts at Barclays on Sunday. "Export (LNG) will continue to grow, which, in our view, support for natural gas prices in the US"- they added.

However, no significant growth in demand will be difficult in the winter prices for natural gas in the coming months, traders said.

"If severe cold does not install at least for a month, I do not think the bulls will surely dominate," - said the president of Excel Futures Mark Wagoner.

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Thursday, October 17, 2019

It is expected to fall in eurodollar

It is expected to fall in the euro / dollar to 1.05 on the eve of the referendum in Italy

The ING expect "slight decline" in the euro / dollar to 1.05 on the eve of the constitutional referendum in Italy, which will be held on 4 December. However, the Bank expects that the euro will stay around current levels on Tuesday and in the coming days.

"Obviously, the euro / dollar has stabilized around 1.0600 after reaching a peak of potential yields on US Treasury bonds." The pair is now trading at 1.0630, unchanged from Monday's closing level.

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Turning point of price Demo

Turning point of price Demo

The demo version of the indicator does not display its data on the last 25 bars, but is ideal for testing.

Indicator Turning point of price displays on the graph the estimated terms of price reversal. It is based on the use of the oscillator data Prise Reversal, as well as the standard ADX. Once Prise Reversal indicator value falls (user specified zone size) in perekuplennosti or pereprodannosti zone and ADX main line exceeds a predetermined value, the indicator Turning point of price draws the graph in the arrow direction the intended future price movements. This idea is described in the article, "Price reversal indicator".

An indicator:

  • PR - the size of the zones of overbought / oversold indicator in Prise Reversal. Default - 25. Reducing this value reduces the amount of Turning point of price indicator signals, but at the same time increases their accuracy. The increase - on the contrary.

  • ADX - the value of ADX main line, above which the applied signal. Default - 45. Increasing the value decreases the amount of signals, but increase their accuracy. Decrease - on the contrary.

  • Alert - on receipt of the indicator signal, the formation of the alert. True - displaying the alert, False - an alert is generated. By default set to False.

For getting correct entry points is recommended:

  1. Choose indicator parameters for each traded currency pair and respective timeframe;

  2. Receive the signal at first larger (for example, per hour), then wait for a similar signal at the low (say, the quarter).

Turning point of price Demo

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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Currency market Oil pushes Ruble

Currency market. Oil pushes Ruble to 59

The ruble was able to grow up a little before 59.80 in
mainly due to the positive dynamics of oil prices. Brent was able to gain a foothold
above a strong psychological level of 50.00 dollars. / bbl. All other factors
They spoke in favor of the sales of the Russian currency.

Abstracting from the completion of the tax period,
reducing the demand for the ruble. Forget about the fact that a bill to expand sanctions
against Russia, it was adopted by a majority vote in the US House of Representatives. Even
not going to think about the rising dollar in anticipation of the Fed meeting on
monetary policy. Continued on site GK FOREX CLUB

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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

MT4 Lite Trade Manager AUDUSD

MT4 Lite Trade Manager AUDUSD

MT4 Lite Trade Manager script - quick script for MetaTrader 4, allowing you to easily manage trading orders, in particular, market orders to buy and sell orders Buy Stop and Sell Stop, and change levels of Stop Loss and Profit Target.

In addition, the product has a very complex, but it is easy to use and precise money management system that you can adapt to your trading style or strategy.

This is a handy shopping tool, complementing the platform MetaTrader 4 new features for more efficient trade in the currency market.

Free version only works on the AUDUSD pair. You can buy the full version in the app.


  • Buy - Set an order to buy at the current market price. Stop Loss should be set at the level of Lower Line, while the Profit Target - at Upper Line level.

  • Sell - Set an order to sell at the current market price. Stop Loss should be set at the level of Upper Line, while the Profit Target - on the Lower Line level.

  • Close All - close all trades, open MT4 Lite Trade Manager. Transactions opened by any other means (eg, manual), do not close.

  • buy Stop - set a pending order Buy Stop to your settings: Value Upper Line - Price Activation pending order Buy Stop; Lower Line - level of Stop Loss. Profit Target value is set to x times greater than the distance in pips Stop Loss (determined input parameter Default_Risk_Revard_Ratio).

  • Sell ​​Stop - set a pending order Sell Stop to your settings: value Lower Line - Price Activation pending order Sell Stop; Upper Line - level of Stop Loss. Profit Target value is set to x times greater than the distance in pips Stop Loss (determined input parameter Default_Risk_Revard_Ratio).

  • Delete Pending Orders - delete all pending orders set by MT4 Lite Trade Manager. Pending orders set by any other means (eg, manual), do not close.

position is calculated based on the actual values ​​of Upper Line and Lower Line at the time of pressing the button.

Input parameters

  • Line_distance_in_pips - distance between the lines in the pips and the actual price at initialization script.

  • Money_Management - if the script expects TRUE position size separately for each transaction based on the value of interest rate risk (Risk) to the account balance. When FALSE script uses Lot_size option.

  • Risk_based_on_Account_Balance - if the TRUE script calculates the value of risk (Risk) based on the account balance. When FALSE, the risk value is calculated based on margin (Equity Balance).

  • Risk - the value of the risk as a percentage.

  • Lot_size - lot size for all transactions with Money Management, equal to FALSE.

  • Max_Lot - the maximum value of the lot.

  • Slippage - the maximum allowable slippage in pips.

  • Default_Risk_Reward_Ratio - a multiplier value for a distance of automatic Profit Target, based on the distance to the Stop Loss.

  • Magic - a unique identifier for transactions made MT4 Lite Trade Manager.

MT4 Lite Trade Manager AUDUSD

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Copper prices in Europe have fallen

Copper prices in Europe have fallen in anticipation of the data from China and the US

copper prices in the first half of trading in Europe on Wednesday declined. Investors are waiting for the publication of important statistics from China and the United States. US data may help to predict the future dynamics of the Fed interest rates.

Three-month contracts on copper LME recently decreased by 0.2%, to 5 $ 600 per metric ton. Copper this week increased by about 2.7%, and over the past month has risen in price by 21% on upbeat prospects for global demand for the metal.

"The dynamics of (nonferrous metals) was so volatile over the last couple of weeks that the market needed breathing space", - said David Wilson of Citi.

Other important data that can affect the metals market, may become the final figures on China's trade in October. Initially it was expected that the data will be published earlier this week, but then it was announced the delay, Wilson added.

Other non-ferrous metals traded mixed on Wednesday. Aluminum rose by 0.06% to 1761.50 dollars per ton, lead was little changed and traded at 2199 dollars per ton, zinc fell 0.6%, to 2598 dollars per ton. Nickel increased by 0.04%, 11 to $ 350 per ton, and tin expensive by 0.6% to 21 $ 230 per ton.

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Monday, October 14, 2019

Insurance companies in US can

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Total deregulation of the financial industry at Trump administration can alleviate the burden on the major insurance companies, indicates Fitch. The agency does not expect any immediate consequences for the US insurance industry ratings as a result of the election, as the sector is regulated primarily by the state, and believes that Trump initially focus on the medical side of the issue. Potential cancellation or adjustment of the Dodd - Frank is possible, as well as review the status of systemically important financial institutions at AIG, MetLife and Prudential. The agency added that the role of the Federal Service for Insurance, as established under the law of the Dodd - Frank, can be reduced or changed.

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Friday, October 11, 2019

Mr Bot Scalper for MT5 Indice

Mr Bot Scalper for MT5 Indice e Dolar Br

The indicator for high quality signals for scalping, which can be used on any timeframe.

The alarm indicator is present, which can alert the trader to start trading, as well as an active system, which can be used to improve risk management and for the trader to start trading alerts.

The indicator provides only an entry point and take profit, leaving the choice of stop-loss at the discretion of the trader. It is recommended to use the value of the last vertex or depression, or a point in accordance with the risk management.

Important parameters:

  • Draw arows - Enabling draw arrows showing inputs.

  • Arrow Shift Ratio - adjustment arrows location

  • SR Draw Lines - Draw lines takeprofit

  • SR Max Line Lenght - length lines take profit

  • Support Collor - color support line

  • Resistance Color - color of

  • Line Width - Line width

  • Line Style - Line Style

  • Sound Alert - turn on and off audio alerts

  • Sound File - sound file

  • Seconds Before Candle Close - at zero signals will be supplied only at the close of the candle, any more important - is the number of seconds before the close of the candle, to which the system will beep.

========== PSAR Slow and Fast Psar ============

  • Step: a step indicator value Psar

  • Maximum: maximum value indicator Psar

================== ATR Settings ==========

  • Period - the period of the indicator ATR

  • Min Atr Points - The minimum number of pips for scalping. All values ​​less than specified, will be ignored.

Mr Bot Scalper for MT5 Indice e Dolar Br


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Thursday, October 10, 2019

US dollar weakened sharply in

The US dollar weakened sharply in anticipation of OPEC meeting

The US dollar in the Asian session on Monday sharply weakened against the Japanese yen and other currencies. Uncertainty about oil production dynamics intensified wave of profit-taking after the growth of the dollar against the backdrop of the US election results.

Against the US dollar the yen fell more than 1.6%.

Saudi Arabia has refused to participate in the meeting scheduled for Monday, OPEC members with non-member countries in the organization, including Russia, which increased doubts about the achievement of productive arrangements to reduce oil production in the OPEC meeting on Wednesday.

"The guys are very nervous about the situation with the oil, which affects the course of the sensitive currency pair (USD / JPY)"- said Stephen Innes from Oanda. This uncertainty increases investor demand for safe-haven asset is considered to be the yen, he added.

A number of US economic data that will be presented this week also led to profit-taking after the extinction of the hype about the economic policy of Trump.

"We are seeing the closure of the newly formed position of excessive"- Marita said Ueda of FX Prime byGMO.

As at 03.15 GMT, the dollar / yen was trading at 111.86 after falling to 111.35 earlier in the session. On Friday night in New York, the pair is trading at 113.20. The US dollar was also lower against other Asian currencies, including the Chinese yuan and the Singapore dollar, although its fall against the yen was the strongest. the WSJ Dollar Index, reflecting the US dollar's value against a basket of major currencies, fell 0.57%, to 91.26. The dollar / yen was trading at 1.0657 against 1.0575 late Friday.

The dollar showed a strong growth after winning Trump, as market participants expect that the new administration will increase budget spending and reduce taxes in order to increase inflationary pressures. This is likely to force the Fed to raise short-term interest rates are more likely than originally expected.

Investors partly understand the reasons for the growth of the dollar up to 8-month highs against the yen, which was observed last week, but they can not explain it completely, said Koji Fukaya from FPG Securities. The recent rise of the US stock market based solely on the expectations and the increase in profitability of US government bonds, pushing up the dollar will eventually slow down the US economy, he said.

"I do not expect the dollar to continue growth projections for Trump's actions. Investors should be prepared for a reversal and turbulence in the market"- said Fukaya.

According to a at Mizuho Securities Cango Suzuki, the dollar will continue to be vulnerable after recent gains.

"It is very likely that the correction phase has already begun", - he said.

However, in addition to the OPEC meeting, the dollar later this week waiting for a series of other events and economic indicators - from the manufacturing ISM data and data on the number of jobs before the referendum in Italy, Suzuki said. These factors probably contributed to the greenback in the coming week.

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