All parameters for the EA Breakthrough v.1.2
- ==== GMT and DST ====
- GMT_Offset_Manual - The difference between the time the broker server and UTC;
- GMT_Offset_AUTO - on / off automatic detection GMT Offset, using the local computer time (in the strategy tester does not specify);
- Adjust_DST_Universal - on / off time conversion (for strategy tester);
- Value_DST_Offset - the time offset value in hours (changing parameter GMT_Offset);
- Month_start - month transfer hours;
- Day_start - day of the month transfer hours;
- Month_end - month transfer clock back;
- Day_end - the number of months back translation;
- ==== Lot and MM ====
- Use_Fix_Lots - on / off fixed lot in the trade;
- Value_fixed_Lot - fixed lot size;
- Use_MM - On / Off lot size as a percentage of the deposit, on the basis of StopLoss;
- Risk_Percentage - a percentage of the deposit for the calculation of the lot size;
- Use_MM_Reg - On / Off restoring money management (trading lot will not decrease, while dips);
- Risk_Percentage - a percentage of the deposit for the calculation of the lot size;
- On / Off_Lot_Min - On / Off task minimum lot for trading at reducing MM;
- Value_Lot_Min - the minimum lot size for trading by using a reducing MM;
- ==== Days without Trade ====
- Use_Holidays_Pass - not trade during the holiday season, which is set by parameters: Month_start_Holidays, Day_start_Holidays, Month_end_Holidays, Day_end_Holidays;
- use_Date_Holidays - not trade during the holidays, which are defined in Date_Holidays line;
- Number_Start_Month - not trade the number of days in the beginning of the month;
- Number_End_Month - not trade the number of days at the end of the month;
- ==== Record of deals in the file ====
- Record_Deals - on / off recording expert working parts in the file;
- Name_File - file name for the record;
- ==== First In - First Out ====
- FIFO_MODE - On / Off First In First Out mode;
- ==== News Filter ====
- Use_NewsFilter - use the news filter;
- Pass_of_News_else_Trade_at_News - if "true", The transaction is not open at predetermined intervals with news; if "false"Then open transactions only at predetermined time intervals with news;
- News_All_countries - take into account the news of all countries;
- News_USA - take into account the US news;
- News_Europe - take into account the news of the Eurozone and the UK;
- News_currency_pairs - take into account the news of the countries currency currency pair charts;
- News_currency_string - take into account the news currency, introduced in News_currency_str line;
- IncludeHigh - take into account the high importance of the news;
- MinsBeforeHigh - the number of minutes before the news of high importance, for which no open transactions;
- MinsAfterHigh - the number of minutes after the news of high importance, for which no open transactions;
- IncludeMedium - take into account the news of moderate importance;
- MinsBeforeMedium - the number of minutes before the news of moderate importance, for which no open transactions;
- MinsAfterMedium - the number of minutes after the news of moderate importance, for which no open transactions;
- IncludeLow - take into account the news of low importance;
- MinsBeforeLow - the number of minutes before the news of low importance, for which no open transactions;
- MinsAfterLow - the number of minutes after the news of low importance, for which no open transactions;
- IncludeSpeaks - take into account the news-speech individual parameters: MinsBeforeSpeaks and MinsAfterSpeaks;
- AllSpeaks - take into account the news-speech of any importance, when switched IncludeSpeaks parameter;
- MinsBeforeSpeaks - the number of minutes before the news-speech of any importance, for which no open transactions;
- MinsAfterSpeaks - the number of minutes after the news of any importance-speech, during which the non-opening transactions;
- show_news_use - news show on the chart;
- show_news_mins_before - the number of minutes to display the news on the current time ago;
- show_news_mins_after - the number of minutes for displaying news on the current time forward;
- ==== Basic Strategy choice ====
- Breach_else_Channel - if "true", Use strategy "Breach"; if "false", Use strategy "Channel";
- ==== block A and block B ====
- Use_Block_A - On / Off unit A;
- Parametr_A_1 - A1 parameter for optimization block A (the range of values: from 1 to 25);
- Parametr_A_2 - A2 parameter for optimization block A (the range of values: from 1 to 25);
- Use_Block_B - on / off B block;
- Parametr_B_1 - B1 parameter for optimization block B (value range: from 1 to 25);
- Parametr_B_2 - parameter to optimize B2 block B (value range: from 1 to 25);
- ==== Common parameters ====
- Magic - a unique number of expert transactions;
- Comment - a comment expert transactions;
- BUY_orders - open positions buy;
- SELL_orders - open positions sell;
- Slippage - allowable slippage in points (at Market performance is not affected);
- Max_Spread_Open_for_BUY - the maximum spread in pips for the opening of the transaction buy;
- Max_Spread_Open_for_SELL - the maximum spread in pips for the opening of the transaction sell;
- Max_Spread_Close_for_BUY - the maximum spread in pips for closing buy;
- Max_Spread_Close_for_SELL - the maximum spread in pips for closing the sell transaction;
- Close_for_Any_Spread_at_Profit - closing order (when the signal to close) for any spread, if the order in profit Pips_Profit (taking into account the current spread);
- Pips_Profit - the necessary items for a profit in Close_for_Any_Spread_at_Profit;
- TakeProfit_Hide - hidden from broker Take Profit in points;
- StopLoss_Hide - hidden from broker Stop Loss in points;
- Use_safety_SL_and_TP - on / off the use of a safety stop Take Profit and Loss to limit losses in the event of disconnection of the terminal for a long time;
- TakeProfit_Safety - safety (real) Take Profit in points (TakeProfit_Safety must be greater TakeProfit_Hide);
- StopLoss_Safety - safety (real) Stop Loss in points (StopLoss_Safety must be greater StopLoss_Hide);
- minimum_duration_of_deal_in_seconds - minimum time open position lifetime in seconds, it operates at a value greater than 0;
- Total_open_transactions - the maximum number of simultaneously open positions;
- ==== TIMING ====
- GMT_Open_Trade_Hour - hour to start opening deals on GMT;
- GMT_Open_Trade_Minute - minute to start opening deals on GMT;
- Period_Open_in_minute - the length of time for the opening of transactions in minutes;
- GMT_Open_Pause_Hour - hour break to start in opening deals on GMT;
- GMT_Open_Pause_Minute - minute break to start in opening deals on GMT;
- Period_Pause_in_minute - pause time in minutes;
- Sunday_Trade - allow trade on Sunday;
- Monday_Trade - allow trade on Monday;
- Tuesday_Trade - allow trade on Tuesday;
- Wednesday_Trade - allow trade on Wednesday;
- Thursday_Trade - allow trade on Thursday;
- Friday_Trade - allow trade on Friday;
- Saturday_Trade - allow trade on Saturday;
- Reconfiguration_Time - move "GMT_Open_Trade_Hour" and "GMT_Open_Pause_Hour" the number of hours ("Offset_Hours") In the time period, certain parameters ("Month_start_RCT". "Day_start_RCT". "Month_end_RCT". "Day_end_RCT");
- Offset_Hours - time shift of the expert work hours;
- Month_start_RCT - month start shift work of an expert;
- Day_start_RCT - day of the shift work of an expert;
- Month_end_RCT - Expiry date of the shift work of an expert;
- Day_end_RCT - graduation day shift work of an expert;
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